no offense to sunchokes, but "wet, bouncy, and crumbly" kind of describes them too haha

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Now I kind of want to see you guys enjoy a progressive menu of your finest l, most terrifying creations, crowned with truffle.

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"I would have been better off eating a Hostess Honey Bun that I dropped in a muddy puddle."

This is the most amusing sentence I've ever read in a food review. I commend you, good sir.

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I guess there’s a reason beyond cost why they’re shaved so thin.

What if we did a GoFundMe to support the purchase of one at its absolute peak, to be procured through the purveyor of one of your chef friends, to be eaten all at once?

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Deep fried raquetball, my favorite

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I'm EAGERLY looking forward to a deep fried one. The flavor to cost ratio of truffles has always puzzled me. I know they're extremely difficult to get, but they don't taste wildly good either, so maybe we could just leave them in the ground. I even like them, but... Rich people are weird. Congratulations on your newfound level of opulence.

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Yeah, I'm looking forward to the fried truffle issue. I hope you're going to make it like those fried mushrooms you get at your neighborhood pizza place. (Is that just a Chicago thing or do they have them everywhere?)

Or hell, just dunk the whole thing in hot oil and shove it into the ol' piehole, what do I care?

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