Sep 22, 2023Liked by Dennis Lee

As a pre-lunchables human, I am not surprised. That photo of the chicken nugget looked hellish, like chicken surimi.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Dennis Lee

Valiant effort but these newer Lunchables look nightmarish. Chicken Dunkers straight-up look like some Larry Cohen's THE STUFF...stuff. The SNOWPIERCER passengers would be like no thanks, more roaches please.

In myyyyy day, these are the options I remember having. The cracker stacker ones, with crackers and a lunch meat and a cheese and probably a dessert; the standard pizza ones, with 3 big round flat "pizza crusts" with enough "sauce" and cheese (and pepp) for 2 savory pizzas and a frosting and topping for 1 dessert pizza; the pizza dunks, which instead of the 3 round crusts had 4 flat-breadstick like crusts and a diff dessert instead of dessert pizza ingredients; the "mega" varieties that were a bigger "deep dish" pizza or what was basically ballpark nachos along with a Lunchables-branded cola; and lastly the "All Star" varieties that were either a couple mini burgers and buns or a few mini hot dogs and buns, again with a Lunchables-branded cola.

Those were the ones I remembered, going to the Lunchables Wikia page reminded me there were also some gross breakfast ones like a pancake deal. It looks like in the mid 2000s, right around after I stopped wanting to eat Lunchables, they faced their heaviest criticism to date for high sugar and sodium content and have been constantly retooling ever since, but idk why they would try to nail down Chicken Dunks rather than just stick to the cracker stacker ones and class them up with some nuts or something on the side.

I highly recommend spending 15 minutes on the Lunchables Wikia though. The page for Waffles has the entire transcript for Shrek 2, and the page for Pancakes says they were "recommended for breakfast after fist banging your homie," were discontinued for "look[ing] like complete dog shit," and came with a vodka screwdriver.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Dennis Lee

Oh no. This was like a horror movie with a slow build to mayhem and nihilism.

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Sep 26, 2023Liked by Dennis Lee

I am a current college student, and I have that exact toaster oven (mine is pastel yellow). I'm not actually allowed to have it in my dorm room, but I'll be damned if I let the college remove my ability to make toast. Also, thanks for posting what it's called! People often ask me where I got it and I didn't know previously because my aunt gave it to me. Hope you are doing well and enjoying some food that is not strangely densified chicken.

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Hi!!! Honestly I think you're getting better food out of that thing than I got out of my microwave. But isn't it powerful?! I'd be afraid of even looking away once!

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yeah you really have to keep an eye on it! have a nice night :]

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Dennis Lee

I can’t keep laughing like this-I’m 66 and I’m gonna blow a gasket! Even my dogs are looking at me funny. Never ever thought I’d see “Easy Bake Oven” and “shit my pants” in the same sentence, not from an economic POV anyway. More the culinary.

“You’ve done it again, Dennis!!!”


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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Dennis Lee

I love it when you greet me as a clown!!!

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Hello, beloved clown!

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The Dash hard boiled egg cooker is amazing too.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Dennis Lee

Okay, so the chicken was bad. Could you maybe sub some KFC nuggets or something? I mean, overall this doesn't sound too bad. Except the chicken. The chicken sounds worse than any chicken product I've ever eaten (and I'm ollld).

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Dennis Lee

This resulted in me becoming enthralled with all the Dash Mini products on Amazon. So cute!

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Dennis Lee

Yeah, I keep wanting to buy one of the waffle makers. Love waffles, but I know I'd hardly ever use it, and where would I put it?

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Dennis Lee

It’s so tiny! You could put it anywhere!

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Davida and I have gotten way more use out of this tiny toaster oven than I thought we would, though I have burned a few slices. Seriously, it's super powerful and the cutest thing I've ever seen.

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Ganked. I love that word.

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