May 17Liked by Dennis Lee

I just...I just can't imagine why someone thought naming their drink after a fictional dystopian product made out of people made any sense at all...but here we are.

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May 17Liked by Dennis Lee

Agreed. I've always thought that was kind of creepy.

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May 17Liked by Dennis Lee

Speaking as a prolific farter (my kids call my VW "The Fartmobile"), I'm thinking about picking a few of these up. I want to up the ante as the weather warms here and make it a #FartBoySummer.

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You may not have a family after fartboxing them in the car, this stuff is seriously deadly

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May 17Liked by Dennis Lee

Sounds like you live in a Farternity House

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May 17Liked by Dennis Lee

Well done!

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May 17Liked by Dennis Lee

Brown zero! Soylent but deadly! It's good to have you back, Dannis.

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pleasant chocolate flavored liquefied humans! Chockfull of farts and minerals. <3 Feel better feel better beel FETTER!

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May 17Liked by Dennis Lee

Sorry to hear this hasn’t stopped. And I’m not taking about your farting either. I just assume you fart all the time given your award-winning writing and eating. Especially the eating. Points for Brown Zero.

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May 17Liked by Dennis Lee

I was so excited to see this show up I'm my inbox today because I thought it meant you must be feeling better. So sorry to hear that isn't the case, but it's still so great to hear from you. Fingers crossed that you get some relief soon. Chronic pain stone cold sucks.

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May 17Liked by Dennis Lee

Mr. Lee,

Great to see you writing again. It so blows how much you're suffering. I am confident that with perseverance, as positive as possible an attitude and the support of your loved ones and fans - IT WILL GET BETTER!

God Bless.

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Did you get a subtle hint of 'people' flavor in the variety pack?

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May 17Liked by Dennis Lee

As a fan of the chocolate one, I too have cleared rooms after drinking it. Imaginary “cheers” with our butts to you feeling better.

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May 17Liked by Dennis Lee

Dannis, I'm really sorry to hear about your pain. I'm hoping that the doctors can figure out something soon to give you some relief.

If it's any consolation, I have IBS-D which basically causes me to have explosive diarrhea 5-6 times per day. Eating any kind of lentils shifts it into overdrive to the extent that I have to cloister myself in the bathroom for hours on end waiting for the pain to end. So thanks for taking the bullet for me, I will NOT be trying this recipe.

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May 22Liked by Dennis Lee

Glad to have you back! You’ve been missed. I hope they can get you on the way back to normal soon.

A bit of unsolicited advice if I may: i experienced a long period of severe pain that they just couldn’t get a handle on. We all thought my body was just extra inflamed after chemo and kidney removal. Turns out I developed fibromyalgia, so the severe pain was my nerves screaming for help. Lyrica has been a savior. I’m not back yet completely, but finally starting to do things I used to do. Neurontin is a similar drug, but I had a bad reaction to it.

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There's been a suggestion for me to go on a similar medication if it doesn't let up, so we'll have to see. Basically playing it day to day, week to week for now.

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May 22Liked by Dennis Lee

Two things:

1) I'm sorry everything has been such an ordeal and I hope things are less painful soon.

2) I am consumed by yearning to discover what all of the Soylent flavors taste like if you mix them. Frankensoylent. (Or, for the flatulently ambitious, a Frankenshake of all of the meal replacements, but I think anyone who tried it might actually achieve liftoff.)

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Welcome home! If having you gassy is what it takes to have you back, we'll just crack open a window and light some incense. Hope the shitstorm of pain starts to subside!

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When I saw your title I immediately though of the movie Soylent green..lol..I shall not partake of the soylents thank you..hehe

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May 17Liked by Dennis Lee

Glad to hear from you again Dennis. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been in pain lately, so here’s hoping you’re feeling better soon. Hang in there, Fartmeister!

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May 17·edited May 17Liked by Dennis Lee

Hi Dannis, It's good to hear from you again. I just wanted to let you know that when my husband couldn't eat, he found Premier Protein to be the best of the "meal substitutes". And, of course, the chocolate was the best, and the strawberry was an abomination.

On a whole other subject, WTF is up with The Takeout?

Wishing you and your eye the best!

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May 18Liked by Dennis Lee

I love Premier shakes. The bariatric program I went through recommended the brand. I wish the powdered one came in more flavors. I like the coffee powder the best (caffeine for the win)

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The Takeout was purchased by Static Media, the same company that owns Mashed. It was taken off the Kinja platform a few days ago, but now it redirects to looper.com. Their output has been reduced by a lot since the sale with just two or three articles a week. It looks like Angela and Dennis still write there, but that’s about it.

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