OK, but when you come back from the break, you’d better write about making nogonnaise... Mayonog... Whatever you want to call it. Just do it!!!

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And happy holidays to you, Davida, and the gang.

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This looks incredible. I have a feeling this adaptation is going to put that Kenji guy on the map.

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Also I just had a laugh imagining your alter-ego from Baldur's Gate drinking this: https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Danis

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Happy high days and holidays to you both!

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I have never in my life wanted to drink something less. And I once watched my brother shit and piss out a torrid steaming stew into a leftover noodle container on a road trip.

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We were in a traffic jam. There was no alternative. My nose has never recovered.

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i feel like the end result of buttchugging this would be violent agitation in several senses. godspeed if you're downwind

enjoy your holidays!

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Dennis/Dannis-hi clown..I just read the Tim Tam Clam Slam and your eye thing revelation really struck me because I HAVE THE SAME SYMPTOMS!! 😵 And no clue what’s been happening to me! No detachment, but I do also experience optical migraines in that eye and it hazes over until I sleep for at least 6hrs. Like lace is in front of it. And the light thing (I call it flashlights) is just so random! My internist & even my eye doc are embarrassingly clueless thus far and it’s been going on for 4 yrs. Now I have at least something to suggest to them. I’ll Goggle 🥽 it first of course because their experts are the first & last word, as we know. If you have anything embarrassing to add to the list of symptoms I should look out for DM me? Food may be stupid but you are a genius. Accidentally maybe, but isn’t that the best way? Cat food hot dogs AND disease diagnosis? It’s a no-fail business idea. Thanks bunches brutha!!!

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Happy holidays, you strange weird soul! I'm glad the year ended on a high. Cheers to you, to Davida, and to whatever sick concoctions your calorie-stuffed brains come up with over the feastival season. 🥂

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I think the alcohol component would need to be present for me too. I once tried to eat a triple yolk moon cake. It did make memories.😣

a safe and happy holiday to you and yours, thanks for sharing your culinary ... visions? With us.

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