I feel like a lighthearted kid, listening to a Jerky Boys cassette tape with my brother again, when I laugh mischievously then unhinged-ly over a few simple words like "I just feel it in my sausage".

Thanks for that.

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If I have a child, it'll be christened, Mike "Mr. Stinkyfingers" Hard Lemonade. I hope you'll be their god parents.

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You know, I'm starting to think Wisconsinites who call us FIBs have a point

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(thinking of you, hope you're doing okay)

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From the title, I expected this was your porn premier?!

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I have never seen those stinky-feet Italian sausages at da Jewels out here in the 'burbs. I kept reading the pic of the label and wondering if I was hallucinating.

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Made even more disgusting as I was having crepes from IHOP whilst reading this week’s culinary um…adventure. I have a feeling I’ll never eat another crepe. Oh well. There’s always cat food sausage.

👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Glad you’re feeling buoyant enough for an adventure, anyway. Deepest sympathies Dennis. 🤍🤍

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I never wear a helmet on my unicycle. The worst fall I can take from it isn't really much worse than, like, falling when I'm jogging.

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We love you. Keeping you and Davida in my thoughts, if only because of whatever the hell that monstrosity is. Clear eyes, full stomachs, etc.

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Fun Fact - Sheboygan has an annual "Brat Days" festival. It's a blast - worth the trip.

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This sounded like the intro to a collab with Ordinary Sausage.

For the uninitiated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6nVI0T8Or8 (sausage made from Jeppson's Malört)

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The beautiful cobalt blue bottle was truly my favorite thing about Zima, that being said, be careful of the porn references as there are people "making lists" (again) which is scary as fuck (along with the hypocrisy of their candidate) another reason to prefer blue. 💙

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