The red stuff is iron oxide- rust- probably keep you from becoming anemic. 😉

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I had a roommate do this to my pan back in 2003 and I determined to never have a roommate again.

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It did enable me to put "refurbished cast-iron pan" on my resume, though.

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I don't know what made my mouth drop more, the first dishwashing (NOOOOOO!!!) or the fact that I have the same plates as the world's greatest chef.

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Okay, so you are in documented danger of grandmotherly violence from beyond the grave, but I found this oddly reassuring! Could I do anything WORSE to my cast iron pans?? Doubtful! And if I did, which would be impressive, I can always just re-season, which is just oil + oven time.

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You're awesome dude. You should be arrested and hit over the head with that orange cast iron pan. My great grandma is rolling over in her cast iron casket! I linked to your 'Stack in my latest post! Hope you get some reader-bleed over. Blood Pudding maybe? thanks



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As my southern Grandmother would say, "Go cut yourself a switch. You're getting a whippin!"

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