Oh my god I also am in my late 30s and have been fixated on trying a communion wafer. I still haven't. Thank you for writing this, so much.

Also, your new job - congratulations! I am so pleased for you!

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Oh cool! I especially dig The Salty Waitress at The Takeout. Most other stuff there I like too, except maybe the product reviews/placement.

Hang in there on all the crazy shit you've gone thru recently.

And way back in 1998, I worked at Taco Bell for 3 days (hated it). You know what those cylindrical shaped rabbit food pellets look like? Taco Bell's beans look exacty like a tiny version of that. They indeed come in a big bag, dry, to be put into a specific amount of boiling water.

Back then I didn't know how to cook worth a shit - I specifically remember making garlic chicken from a recipe my roomate had. I thought a garlic clove was the entire bulb. So I made the recipe with 1 & 1/2 bulbs (it called for 3 cloves) before I thought, man this seems like a crazy amount of garlic. Needless to say, it came out inedible.

These days I've been a real line cook for 14 years; the last year and a half as a chef for a childcare place.

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Weird, I heard Penis Lee got the job.

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Congrats Dennis!!!!! You deserve it!

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Mazel tov, Dennis! Way to follow and pursue your dreams!

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Mmm... sacrilicious...

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I wonder if you can fry communion wafers so they hold up better. Please let us know what Jesus chicharrones taste like.

Also, CONGRATS on the new job! It's shitty you had to endure the bullshit of the last few months to get there - but you finally got there. Guess I'm adding The Takeout back to my RSS feed...

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Hey dude you should make orange chicken but replace the orange juice with Kool Aid

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What a riot! Although I am a Christian and obviously have different feelings about church and God, your adventure is entertaining. By the way, church does not have to be dull and boring. It can be uplifting and meaningful if you find the right one.

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You got the communion wafers the priest hold up when doing the whole transformation thing.

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Given that communion wafers represent the body of Christ, how many must one eat to consume an entire Jesus?

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